Phone (719) 685-1870

Additional Consumer Services
We understand the consumer's needs of today. For a fee, we at F.R.E.E can provide the additional following services that may help educate and build your client base, protect your career, increase earnings and improve the present judicial process as regards to litigation and negotiation under the present tort laws for citizens, small business owners and their advocates.

Focus Groups: We can conduct focus groups to define the your needs and the needs of your clients in the present political climate that favors greatly the insurance industry to the detriment of the insurance consumer and their attorneys. Specific questions would be asked and open discussion will be encouraged. A summary would then be created and used in the development of consumer brochures, surveys, websites, white papers, videos, print and other media, and strategies to change the present political climate and laws favorable to the citizen/consumers in your state.

Websites: We can assist in developing your own website designed to educate present and prospective clients/customers as to why they may need your services or to be protected from the unethical practices of many insurance companies. Included in this website would be an analysis of the complicated process of adjudicating a claim such as: definition of legal terms, length of process, what to expect from an attorney, how the attorney gets paid and the client's responsibilities.

Caveats for the consumer/small business owner to address when shopping for any type of insurance policy, updates on case precedents and changes in insurance company business practices effecting everyday citizens and small business owners. We can assist in the building of your website with an E-mail address. An E-Commerce site building is also available for the entrepreneurs among you. We also provide top notch marketing advice in the area of concept, design, and copy writing that will engage the interest of your prospective client at their level of understanding.

Educational Videos: We can create educational videos based on focus groups; i.e. an actual case history.

Brochures: We can develop a general education and referral brochure for your firm/company to be made available for present and prospective clients/customers with language and graphics appealing to the everyday consumer. This brochure would explain why they need an attorney, common legal terms, description of the insurance claim process, what to expect from their attorney and client responsibilities. We can also develop a series of rack size brochures based on the most pressing topics of concern revealed in the focus groups. An educated legal consumer is an excellent source of renewals. We can modify the present brochures to reflect statistics in the state where your associates and practicing attorneys may want this information distributed.

General Advertising: We also offer assistance with any advertising campaigns for your firm; radio, television, and print media.

Please, feel free to call us for an assessment of your needs and to find out how we may be able to help you. We wish you continued success and thank you for any support.

Please, pass on this information to any of your associates who may not be aware of F.R.E.E. and its cause. Thank you again.

©2003 - 2024 Robert Spang Martindell